Sunday, June 22, 2008

So what have I been up to lately?

Mostly, I have been sick!!! In between that I have gone to Portland to take Alenna to Shriner's in Portland for her yearly appt. It went very well and I think it was the best appt. that she has had so far. We were told by the Dr.s that everything was going well and that they wanted to see us again next year. I was hoping to hear if she would need an extra surgery but they said that they would not know for sure until next year. Even so I don't think that she will need it since she is doing so well.
I have also been trying to clean our house to get ready for our trip and for my parents to stay at our house while we are gone. Yikes!! My Mom at my house for two weeks! Time to clean that closet that I try to forget about! ;)
Only 12 days left to go! When we got our travel dates it seemed so far away, but the time is going quickly and I know we will be leaving before we know it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It starts so young...

This morning I decided that it was time for our youngest Alenna to learn to pick up her toys and stuff and put them away. So I told her that she needed to pick up her things and put them in her room. At first she just looked at me like I was speaking another language. After a few explanations she finally realized what I wanted her to do. Her first words were "I don't feel well", and " I want my mama". Along with these classic words came the actions of her putting her hand up on her forehead like she was sick. I about died, it was so funny! How are you supposed to keep a straight face with such a drama queen? I did finally convince her that she really did have to pick up her things and put them away, but each trip to her room was like she was walking to the death chamber. What a character!!! Life will never be dull, or quite with her around.